Thursday, July 12, 2018

I just saw a headline announcing HUD is going to implement smoke free policies in all public housing. I guess since the government is basically the landlord, it gets to make the rules. I was just wondering if they are going to ban filthy houses. Filthy houses are stinky, disgusting and bad for your health, too. How many other unhealthy practices (such as hoarding, etc.) are going on in the privacy of people's homes as well as other things that cause damage and increase maintenance costs? Where do you draw the line on removing people's personal freedom to make their own choices regarding what goes on in their own homes as long as it's not illegal? And who has the right to make that choice for us? Yes, they are tenants, but while they are there, that is their home. FTR, I am neither a smoker nor a proponent, just a believer in personal choice...reap the benefits or suffer the consequences. In my opinion this is just another step toward chipping away at our personal freedom.